Off with the shoes!
Kindergarten of Szava with its application called "Off with the shoes!" wants to establish an environmentally conscious life, and to develop the children's movement and health. The applicant successfully entered and won the DDC's environmental protection tender a few years ago. To its new project our company contributed with HUF 1.000.000. The ceremonial handing over of the project was held on 30 September 2022, where representatives of the kindergarten and Zoltán Guth head of communication at DDC cut the ribbon.
Zöld Megoldás átadó ünnepség Szava.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Zöld Megoldás-pályázat átadó ünnepség Szava.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.
Zöld Megoldás átadó ünnepség Szava.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Zöld Megoldás-pályázat átadó ünnepség Szava.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.