Let’s play “greener”!

The goal of the project of Siklós Kindergarten and nursery centre is to create positive emotional relationships, behaviour patterns and approach in children towards the natural and social environment. This project was supported by DDC with more than HUF 1.000.000.

It is important to lay the foundation for the need for environmental culture for young people and to share with them knowledge about their immediate surroundings in order for them to appreciate them. To this end interactive information boards are to be installed by the institution, which are made in the spirit of the four elements (water, earth, air, fire). In order to protect nature the project sets out to encourage responsible and conscious action and to promote the creation of a sustainable environment. The purpose of the project is to establish and develop this approach in the children and through this to strengthen those values of the parents which help them to shape their attitude towards the environment. The children are learning about the world, its objects, their features and the phenomena of the real world while playing. The project enables them to gain spontaneous knowledge during free play and leisure activities.

The handover ceremony of the project was held on 4th July, where the representatives of the village, the kindergarten and our company took part.

Green Solution handover ceremony at Siklós.

Green Solution handover ceremony at Siklós.

Green Solution handover ceremony at Siklós.

Zöld Megoldás-pályázat oklevél átadása Siklóson.