Herb Garden in Villány
The Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány aimed to create with this project a leisure park at the premises of the school, which is also suitable for teaching children about environmental protection. The renovation of the garden and planting different plants – including the creation of a garden of green spices – is both educational and creates a green community environment as well.
The project's handover ceremony took place on 26th September 2016, where Mrs Ida Szacsuri-Balogh headteacher of the school, and Mr Ádám Müller technical director of DDC officially initiated the herb garden. DDC provided HUF 1.000.000 sponsorship for the realization of the school's project.

Handover ceremony at Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány .
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

„Green Field” project at the Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány .
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Zöld közösségi tér Villányban.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Handover ceremony at Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány .
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

„Green Field” project at the Teleki Zsigmond Agricultural Secondary School and Student Hostel in Villány .
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

Zöld közösségi tér Villányban.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.

"Green out in the green" Villány.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.