“Green Field” Project
The Váci Gazdászok és Kertészek, and the Táncsics Vocational School had a joint project called “Green Field” with the aim of familiarising future agriculturists with the theory and practice of sustainable development and environmentally conscious behaviour. To this aim bike racks were installed in the yard, garden furniture was used to create a green community space, and the prerequisites of selective waste gathering and composting were established.
The project was inaugurated by Tamás Varga, the director general of the school and Zoltán Guth, the head of the communication at DDC during a ceremony on 23rd September 2016. DDC provided HUF 1.245.000 sponsorship for the realization of the school's "Green Field" project.
„Green Field” project at the Táncsics Vocational School.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.
„Green Field” project at the Táncsics Vocational School.
Duna-Dráva Cement Kft.