An association for sustainable construction
United we are strong! HeidelbergCement and further eight leading construction companies have established the Global Cement & Concrete Association (GCCA). The purpose of the alliance is to strengthen the industry’s contribution towards sustainable construction and to encourage continuous innovation.
The newly formed association will focus on areas such as sustainable development and urbanization, and climate change mitigation. The GCCA globally supports the construction of durable, environmentally friendly buildings and the promotion of infrastructure development. The association cooperates with industry players as well as architects and engineers in order to help advance innovation within the entire chain of construction.
The London-based organization will complement and support the national and regional level operation of already existing companies.
As a member of several green building councils, HeidelbergCement participates in the so called Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) to create a more sustainable cement industry. Through these partnerships the company contributes to achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals, and its own 2030 corporate sustainability commitments.

HeidelbergCement Plant in Lengfurt, Germany.

HeidelbergCement Plant in Lengfurt, Germany.